Quantum Foam and Meditation

It has long been apparent to me that artists and meditators share something in common. Sometimes, if our consciousness is directed in the right way, we perceive elements of the structure of the universe in unexpected ways. Certain abstract artists anticipated the findings of electron microscopy by creating designs which closely parallel the structure of … More Quantum Foam and Meditation

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Creative Intuition

Creative intuition is best described as an expanded form of consciousness that enables us to interact with reality in a different way. I’d like to share some of my experiences with you, in the hope that they resonate and bring to mind your own encounters with this intriguing phenomenon. Here is the first in the … More Creative Intuition

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A Currawong Tale

Much to my amusement, (and secret delight), I have found that I am being courted by a currawong, a native Australian bird. For some weeks he has been wandering around my garden, pecking for grubs in the lawn, most often where the grass verge meets the gutter. Whenever I’m out for a walk and he’s … More A Currawong Tale

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Exploring Red Rock

This morning was mild and sunny: such a relief after the past few days of gale-force winds ripping branches from the trees and lashing the coast with white-capped waves. I drove to Red Rock, a picturesque hamlet not far from home, intending to walk by the estuary and capture a few good, scenic shots. I … More Exploring Red Rock

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Have you ever faced Reality? I don’t mean the everyday concept; the kind which insists you take stock of what’s going on in the world or in your own corner of it. I don’t mean the concept people mean when they say, “You need to face reality.” No. I am talking about facing Reality: the … More Reality

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